I'm sorry, I'm a bad blogger. I have been going through some personal and medical issues that have sidelined me since September of last year. It's been a bit tough.
That isn't to say I haven't been crafting. I have made Christmas gifts and a few custom pieces. I have also built a new website. Go to fairelywellmaid.vpweb.com and take a look.
Faire season is upon us. Between the Primrose pirates, my new pirate crew, and vending I am going to be very busy. New Hampshire Renaissance Faire is first. It is May 11, 12 and 18,19 in Kingston NH. I will be vending as Fairely Well Maid and preforming as a Primrose Pirate. Come down and see us. The faire website is http://www.nhrenfaire.com
That's it for now. I will be posting more often, I promise.
January, In a Blur
6 years ago